change management

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The video delves into the intricacies of change management, portraying it as a dual process—above and below the waterline. Above, the visible realm involves meticulous

The video delves into the magic of change in organizational development, drawing insights from prominent figures in the field. Emphasizing the interconnectedness of everything, it

This video delves into the intricacies of transformation and change, emphasizing that it’s not about grand gestures but rather the sum of numerous interactions. Focusing

This video explores five transformative questions that, despite changing various aspects of life, emphasize the importance of one constant: the need to come home to


Even though there are signs that the global economic crisis may be passing, organizations and their leaders are still facing very difficult decisions, often involving

Not long ago we spent two days and an evening with a senior leadership team of a company doing business in Central/Eastern Europe (CEE). Sitting

In the first article in this series, John explored the difficulties we have with Letting Go in the process of opening to a new possibility.

NOTE: What I have learned about Kurt Lewin I received from four main sources. My mentor, Ron Lippitt (one of Lewin’s first graduate students) regaled

First, a Little Background Janus was the name of the Roman god of gates and doors, beginnings and endings, and is therefore the linguistic root

It has been said that “Success has many parents, but failure is an orphan.” When it comes to successful change, however, it seems to me

Guidelines For Converting Employee Wisdom Into Action  Several years ago I had the opportunity to be involved in a very large-scale re engineering project, intended

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