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NOTE: What I have learned about Kurt Lewin I received from four main sources. My mentor, Ron Lippitt (one of Lewin’s first graduate students) regaled

Challenges of the Contemporary World As Gestaltists, we regard ourselves as ‘of the field’, which means we are continually shaping and being shaped by what

The Process Reengineering effort set in motion several months ago looks like it will lead to a more responsive, more flexible, customer-oriented company, with greater

The way we deal with emotion is the most frequent source of difficulty in our relations with others. Although feelings about other people and about

Why are emotions so scary to so many people—especially in the workplace? The leaders I know are usually extremely wary of going into that confusing world.  

This describes what to do when a client calls and asks for a training program: how to think, see and intervene as a ‘whole system,

During our sixty plus years of combined experience coaching and consulting with a wide variety of people in a number of different of contexts, we

(Excerpted from Chapter 12 of Five Questions that Change Everything) Many years ago, as this apocryphal story goes, there was a village in a barren

In a recent conflict consultation, triggered by a call from the Executive Director of a small organization, my interviews revealed that one of the senior

It is too light a thing that you do, just being my servant and raising up the tribes of Jacob to restore the survivors of Israel.

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